
This will be the place where we will talk about our goals, hobbies and the way we live our head office.

Growing… together

Growing… together

The vision What brings a company out of the mere business context is the attitude to "play", understood as mindsetting able to combine: lateral thinking know-how creativity Gaming is the tool that makes us fallible and that brings up portions of us, that give us the opportunity to go to the bottom, so as to create the foundations for our vision and consequently for our product. The vision is synonymous of passion and dedication and the company that makes it a flag certainly has the well-being...

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Emma & Leo

Emma & Leo

Engineering made in italy There are stories that shows the imagination of authors capable of weaving fantastic textures, but the reality is that life is made up of special people who far exceed fantasy, and use it thanks to passion, commitment and vision. People that lives beyond the time they live, the tools they have. 1908 To be precise, on 5th September, at the Polytechnic of Turin, Emma Strada graduated in engineering, and is the first Italian woman...

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E-motion control

E-motion control

Together for innovation "Mechatronics are those systems that presents a synergic mechanical, electronic and intelligent control systems" Fukada & Harashima 1996 . Perhaps the most famous of the mechatronic engineers is, the invention of the genius Stan Lee: "Iron man", or Anthony Edward Stark (Tony), who lives in a fully automated laboratory, capable of solving and developing high innovation engineering ideas. But the reality how...

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